Winter Guard Tryout Info

Winter Guard Tryouts for the 2024-2025 season are scheduled for the dates listed below!!
If you are interested in learning about Guard and/or want to tryout for the team, be sure to attend the tryouts!! No experience is necessary and no specific signup is required.
Rehearsals are typically conducted 2 or 3 times during the week and competitions will be scheduled on Saturdays throughout the season at local Atlantic Indoor Association (AIA) competitions. The AIA North full schedule can be found on their website HERE
Woodson’s competition dates will be announced soon!
*** Again for the 2025 season, we will be going to the AIA North Championships down in Hampton Roads, Virginia on March 29th ***
Tryout Dates:
Monday, 28 October 5:00pm – 7:00pm meet in the Band Room
Tuesday, 29 October 5:00pm – 7:00pm meet in the Band Room
Wednesday, 30 October 5:00pm -7:00pm meet in the Band Room