Uniform Fitting & Tag Day Uniform Information
Just a reminder–if you have not yet been fitted in a concert uniform and a marching uniform (for tag day if you are not in marching band), you MUST be fitted for your uniform on Wednesday 9/4 between 6:30 and 8pm. This is the only time our parent volunteers are available, and everyone has to be fitted now in case we have to order uniforms.
Tag Day: What Do I Wear?
The uniform closet opens at 8:00 AM.
All students must wear
1. a WHITE t-shirt, NO logo visible on the front, unless it is a WTW band shirt
2. light-weight gym shorts.
3. comfortable sneakers.
Hair may be worn as is most comfortable (we don’t wear hats)
We are looking for people to help with uniform washing. Here is the current sign-up. More dates will be added.
Questions? Contact the uniform chairs
Raena Close, Catherine Heravi, Meg Rogers and Debbie Stackiewicz