Tag Day Sept. 14th–Drivers Needed and More!

Tag Day, which is by far our largest fundraiser of the year, is on Saturday, September 14.  On Tag Day, students go door-to-door to homes in the Woodson High School district area asking for donations to support band activities.  All band (competitive marching, non-competitive, and concert only), guard members, and athletic exempt students are expected to participate for the full day, and all parents are asked to contribute items for lunch and to volunteer as drivers, tabulators, registration workers, uniform workers, or hospitality aides. 

 Here’s how it works:  

Students work in 4-person teams which are formed during band camp.  Teams of 3 will be slightly adjusted to make them team of 2 or 4.
Each team is assigned a driver and a route.  When the team reaches the designated neighborhood on Tag Day, they split into pairs. Each pair takes a side of the street and walks door-to-door asking for donations.  To assure student safety, the driver keeps the students in view at all times.  Drivers are provided a packet of materials that includes a detailed map of the area they are to canvas.  Drivers bring the students back to school at noon to turn in money to parent tabulators and to eat lunch.  Hospitality volunteers serve lunch in the cafeteria.  After lunch, teams head back out to continue canvassing.

 There are a few other things you should know:

(1) You should drop off items for lunch in Cafeteria A by the time specified.

Look in CUTTIME EVENTS section to sign up to donate various lunch items!

 (2) Unless a parent specifically requests to drive their own student, drivers will be matched with teams that do not include their own children to allow them to get to know more of our wonderful band students. 


Student schedule: Students should arrive at school by 8 AM, get dressed in their uniforms, and report to the BAND ROOM.  After being given instructions, student teams will go to Cafeteria A to meet with their morning drivers. Driver–Student teams will depart around 9 AM to work their morning routes and will return to the school at lunchtime.  After lunch, student teams will go to Cafeteria A to meet with their afternoon drivers.  Driver–Student teams will depart around 12:30 PM to work their afternoon routes and will return to the school by 3:30 PM.  After being dismissed, students will turn in their uniforms and depart between 4:00 and 4:30.


Parent schedules vary according to volunteer activity.  Driver shifts are 8 AM to noon and noon to 4.  All drivers should report to the registration area near the auditorium doors upon arrival.  Tabulator shifts are 11 AM to 2 PM and 2:30 PM to 5 PM (Cafeteria B).  Uniform help is needed at the beginning and end of the day: 7:30-9 AM and 3:15-5 PM (Band Room).  Registration and hospitality workers are needed in varying shifts (Auditorium Lobby/Cafeteria). 

This is an ALL-HANDS-ON-DECK day! We need at least 80 drivers, 8 tabulators, 8 uniform workers, up to 16 hospitality workers, and up to 9 registration workers. 

Please we need DRIVERS, DRIVERS and more DRIVERS!! The more drivers we have, the more areas we can canvass and therefore the more funding we can receive for the band!!  

QUESTIONS?  You can contact us at WoodsonBandTagDay@gmail.com 

Thank you so much for your support!


Julie Scoville, Sarah Girard

Tag Day Committee Chairs