Spring Band & Winterguard Awards Night
The Spring Band Awards Night is May 18th at 6:30PM.
Students and Parents: Join members of the band, the winter color guard, and their families on Thursday, May 18th, at 6:30 pm in Woodson Cafeterias A and B for the annual awards banquet.
Please bring a dish to share (10 to 12 servings):
Freshmen: Main Dish (Fried Chicken, Chicken Nuggets, Meatballs, Casserole, etc.)
Sophomores: Side Dish (Fruit, Veggies, Pasta, Salad, etc.)
Juniors: Desserts (Brownies, Cookies, Cupcakes, etc.)
Seniors: Just bring yourselves
Label your dishes to indicate key ingredients or features, such as: contains nuts, contains pork, gluten-free, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan, etc.
Please bring your dishes to the cafeteria by 6:15 PM and make sure to put your name on any containers and serving utensils you would like returned to you.
SPECIAL REQUEST for Sophomore/Junior Families: We need more main dishes to supplement the food supplied by the freshman class. The Hospitality Committee kindly requests the assistance of eight or more generous folks to also provide main dishes. Please sign up below and THANK YOU!
Volunteers Needed: Volunteers are needed to help set up before the banquet to serve food and drinks during the banquet, and to clean up after. Volunteers will not miss the award presentation.