South County Invitational Marching Band Competition at South County High School, October 2nd 2021

SCHS is hosting the Virginia Marching Band Cooperative competition in Stallion Stadium this Saturday, 2nd October, 2021. Over 20 bands from throughout Virginia will be competing, including our very own Marching Cavaliers! Come out an enjoy a day of fantastic marching band shows. The Marching Cavaliers are scheduled to perform at 8pm!

South County High School
8501 Silverbrook Rd, Lorton, VA 22079


1:30 – Rehearsal

3:30 – Rehearsal ends; eat, pack, load (bring lunch)

5:30 – Depart WTW

6:00 – Arrive; unload, RR

6:55 – Warm Up

7:45 – Gate Time

8:00 – Performance Time

9:15 – Awards

9:45 – Load buses, Depart

10:15 – Arrive at WTW, unload, clean room, dismiss

  • Bring a bag lunch
  • Uniform – Be sure to have black shoes, black socks, white T-shirt.  No jewelry or nail polish.
  • Bring good instruments unless it is raining.
  • Bring extra reeds, mouthpiece caps and tuners.
  • Students must ride the bus to and from the event.  If there is an extenuating circumstance, it must be in writing and approved by the director.
  • After we perform, all students will sit as a group in the bleachers for the awards.  There will be no wandering around the stadium.