Philadelphia Trip April 11-13, 2019: Second Payment Due; Updates


The second payment was due Tues., 1/15/19, via MySchoolBucks or by check in the band box (please put student’s name, amount of check and what it’s for on outside of envelope). If you have not made this payment, please do so ASAP.

Search for “Band Trip Payment” on MySchoolBucks to find the correct form. Only Chorus Trip Payment forms are under Field Trips; please ensure you are not using the Chorus form.

We have enough students going on the trip that we can’t all fit on 2 buses. This will increase the cost per student as the cost of each bus is fixed. For cost efficiency, we are opening up the extra seats to parents that would like to go on the trip as paid participants. Cost is $390/person if 2 adults per room and $590/person for single occupancy. Questions? Contact Mr. Morgan.


Plans are underway for a trip to PHILADELPHIA, April 11-13, 2019. The projected student cost will be approximately $575. The due date for the commitment form and deposit is Nov. 1. You can find the form and the itinerary under Band Forms to the left.

This price includes all travel costs, two nights in hotel including 2 breakfasts, 3 dinners, admission to Hershey Park, the workshop with the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra as well as an evening performance of the PSO, as well as all performance-related costs (possible rental of equipment, etc.) Students would be absent for two school days (April 11 & 12).

In class, students were given a brief presentation with details for the trip. The current proposed itinerary is posted under Itineraries, so you can see what an amazing experience this is going to be for the students! We hope ALL Woodson band students choose to participate!

We are accepting payments online this year through MySchoolBucks, the same service FCPS students and parents use to fill lunch credit accounts. You must search for “Band Trip Payment”–otherwise you will likely see only Chorus Trip Payment forms. It is important that you print and complete any attachments on cart items that you purchase. Families can still make payments by physical check as well. Please drop any forms and checks in the Band Box. On MySchoolBucks, search for the following items:

• Band Trip Payment #1
• Band Trip Payment #2
• Band Trip Payment #3

Payment schedule –
Jan. 15 $200
Feb. 28 $200

All payments are non-refundable.