Donations & Volunteers for Frost Night Oct. 2
During the Tuesday, Oct 2 Band Rehearsal (start time 6:30 pm), there will be a special opportunity for 8th Graders to march alongside the WTW Marching Cavaliers. The event will be held at the WTW football stadium.
Toward the end of this event, the Marching Cavs, along with the 8th grade participants, will be provided pizza, water, and a cookie.
COOKIE DONATIONS: As in past years, we are asking for donations of homemade cookies. We will need approximately 28 dozen cookies. If you can donate cookies, please sign up here.
In the comment section on the sign up, please note the type of cookies donated and the amount. Due to some allergies, we are requesting that the cookies be NUT FREE!
We also need volunteers to help pass out pizza, cookies, and water and to pick up the pre-paid pizza.
SignUp Genius for cookies, volunteers, and one person to pick up pre-paid pizza